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          Ehring FDC4 Diskdrive Controller
     and partially AP53 from IBS ( similar layout
     but different eproms )


Difference to recognize the diffent kind of controller:
If you look at the pins used to connect the Spple DISK II drives you will recognize, that
at the bottom area of the FDC4 at the right connector there is no area with 6 solderpads
for jumperblock, while at the AP53 that area is present.

In general it might be stated that the FDC4 is a "sopycat" from the IBS AP53 controller except of the fact that both controllers differ by the contents within the eprom. This causes, that patch software for FDC4 wonīt  work correct with the AP53 and vice versa.

I also canīt make any kind of prediction about the behaviour of the AP53 if a eprom of the FDC4 is inserted. Up till now i have never tested that behaviour, if a copy of the FDC4 eprom is inserted in the AP53.



  manual für Patch165 Disk:
.......   ....
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